Congrats! You’ve successfully deployed your data stack. Now it’s time to access and start using your data tools. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to access each tool, what you can do with them, and how to get started working with your data.
After deploying your data stack with Visionarist, you’ll receive a confirmation that your tools are live and ready to use. Here’s what happens next:
Visionarist provides a unified platform where all your data tools are easily accessible. In this first version, you'll be working with Airbyte, Kestra, and Superset. Let's walk through how to access and use each one.
Airbyte is your go-to tool for ingesting data from various sources into your data warehouse or other destinations. It allows you to set up and manage data pipelines from different platforms (APIs, databases, files, etc.).
Once your stack is deployed, click the Airbyte URL provided in your email or on your Visionarist dashboard;
What to do next: Once inside Airbyte, you can begin setting up data pipelines by connecting to data sources like Salesforce, Google Ads, or databases like PostgreSQL. Choose your destination (e.g., your data warehouse), and Airbyte will start syncing data for you.
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Read more: Beginner’s guide to using Airbyte